Special EASTER batch: XAN – BERLINATOR @ WILTZ Castle experimental & didactical MICROBREWERY

Special EASTER batch: XAN – BERLINATOR @ WILTZ Castle experimental & didactical MICROBREWERY

On saturday april 8th we brewed a
Special EASTER batch of our BRANDNEW “XAN – BERLINATOR“… ( inspired by GGB https://ggb-berlin.de/en)…
@ WILTZ Castle experimental & didactical MICROBREWERY http://www.biermuseum.lu/en/museum/microbrewery/
in the living heart of Luxemburg’s NATIONAL BREWING ART MUSEUM
It’s a “DoppelSTICKE”( Düsseldorf ALT-style) strong Doppelbock,
with belgian yeasts & pure flavonoïd polyphenol XANTHOHUMOL,
the “spirit” of HOP- Lupulin, known for its revolutionary large spectrum of therapeutical potential…

Our SECRET: we have NO secrets!

Cheers & to ole Gambrinus???
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